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Профессиограмма по профессии "психолог-консультант"
What is the capital city of Australia?
Nope! Melbourne isn't the capital of Australia.
Right! Canberra is the capital of Australia.
Nope! Sydney isn't the capital of Australia.
Nope! Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand.
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What city does not exist in Canada?
Vancouver is a major city in western Canada.
Ottawa is the capital city of Canada.
Right! Anchorage is not located in Canada, it is the largest city in Alaska.
Winnipeg is the capital of the Canadian province of Manitoba.
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Which countries have a city named Moscow?
Nope! There is no city named Moscow in Finland.
Correct! There are several towns named Moscow in the USA.
Correct! There is a village named Moscow in South India.
Correct! Moscow is the capital of Russia.
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What country is not a part of Scandinavia?
Nope! Norway is a Scandinavian country.
Nope! Finland is a Scandinavian country.
Correct! The Netherlands is not part of Scandinavia. 
Nope! Island is not part of Scandinavia. 
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Which island does not belong to Italy?
Nope! Capri is an Italian island.
Sicily belongs to Italy.
Sardinia is a large Italian island in the Mediterranean Sea.
Right! Corsica is one of the eighteen regions of France.
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